Monday, December 29, 2008

Prize for Secret Diary Quest

The person who answers the most clues in one month correctly will win some prizes. This one month time frame will begin once the first question is submitted to me either by email at or in the comments to this post.

Here are the prizes for the winner:

1. A link to a blog page of your choice in a subsequent post updating the contest every time you guess a clue correctly.

2. Your profile featured in the sidebar for one month until the next winner, complete with photograph, and blog or website link.

3. 500 Entrecard credits transferred to the blog of your choice.

4. An ad widget on one of my blogs. I will send the list to the winner.

5. A full scale review and feature article about you, your blog, your talents, your life. A questionnaire will be emailed to you at the end of the month. Your feature will appear on this blog as an honorable mention or linked to another one of my blogs. Again, if you want the feature written on another blog I will send you the list by email.

6. The opportunity to begin the next Secret Diary contest and to make the rules to open the quest.

7. If you choose, you get to write a guest post on one of my blogs. This will give you lots of backlinks as incentive.

So, all you Treasure Hunters and Secret Diary readers, come on down and join in the fun.

I am waiting right here on The Midnight Writer's Secret Portal.

The Midnight Writer

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