Saturday, January 3, 2009

Blog Explosion

I joined a new free advertising site today to test the waters once again. Will this Blog Explosion bring traffic to my site? If it works for me, then it will work for you. Visit the banner in the sidebar and sign up to test this program for yourself.

Time will tell if it is a worthy venture. If comments start appearing in this blog, then I would say it is worth my time, and yours. Let's monitor it right here to see what happens.

As of today, January 3, 2009, this blog has two comments. Between Blog Explosion and Entrecard, one or both might help get visitors to this site to participate in all the fun treasure hunts and quests being sponsored here.

I'm working on some in depth articles for bloggers and freelance writers to help add some good resource material to this blog. Also, I 'll be writing feature articles on treasure hunting, antiquities, archaeological sites, mysteries of the universe, the secret diary and more. Please come back often and give me your feedback.

First Feature Articles for January- A Preview of Coming Attractions

1. Part two of The Locked Box.
2. The Unknown Soldier's Diary.
3. The Secret Diary Quest No. 1. First clues to be posted.
4. Latest Discoveries in Space.
5. The Mysteries of Stone Henge.
6. Entrecard- A Review- hoping to conduct personal interview with creator.
7. The Making of A Walking- Lakota Traditions and Historical Sites
8. One Ancient City Feature- to be announced
9. Blog Explosion- Traffic update and reports on personal experience.
10. Treasure Hunt- the first featured treasure hunt complete with map and tracking the actual quest for the treasure.
11. Geocaching for Treasure
12. Facebook- face to face interviews with those who experience the social networking business style. One person per month will be chosen for this feature.
13. Twitter- what is all the tweeting about?
14. Who Was the Most Famous Pirate of All Time?
15. Search for the Holy Grail.

The Midnight Writer

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